Event: REACH: Current Status and Future Deadlines
Date: April 21, 2015
Time: 1:30-2:30 pm EST
Venue: Webinar
Cost: $20.00
Please join the U.S. Commercial Service, Connecticut District Export Council, Connecticut SBDC and Barbara Vogt, Tox Focus LLC, for a 60 minute webinar on the new regulations dealing with exporting chemicals and formulations to Europe.
REACH is the new chemical compliance system in the European Union (EU). New regulations have a registration deadline of 2018. This webinar will provide information regarding the cost, timelines and information required to obtain your company-specific REACH registration number. You will learn if your company qualifies for any exemptions from registration and learn what is required after “pre-registration.” We will also go over the process of cooperating with other producers and submit joint registration documents. This will be a great opportunity to get a head start on becoming “REACH compliant.” For more information contact Anthony.Sargis@trade.gov.