If you are a Connecticut company looking to export your product then you have come to the right place.  Whether you are trying to begin exporting or are already an exporter and looking for more resources we have the know how on how to help you.  If what you are looking for is not listed then feel free to contact one of our staff members so we may better assist you.

About Us

District Export Councils encourage and support exports of goods and services that strengthen individual companies, stimulate U.S. economic growth and create jobs. Export expansion activities are accomplished by working with the U.S. Export Assistance Centers to provide opportunities to promote greater export activity at the local level while developing a trade assistance network.

The mission of the District Export Council is supported through activities such as:

•  Counseling and mentoring of local businesses in exporting;
•  Identifying export financing sources for businesses;
•  Creating greater export awareness in the business community locally;
•  Identifying issues affecting export trade and implementation of suggestions for improvement;
•  Advocating trade policy and legislation supporting exporters and the U.S. export sector;
•  Supporting programs and services of the U.S. Export Assistance Centers;
•  Building local export assistance partnerships with other trade-related organizations;
•  Providing export training and education through Export University® programs

District Export Councils support their mission using funds that are generated through DEC fundraising and other activities, without any governmental appropriations. While DECs may create and maintain income through fund-raising and various other activities, they may not distribute their retained earnings to any person. Neither DECs nor DEC members may represent the U.S. Government in their capacity as DEC members. DEC members are prohibited from being registered lobbyists and neither the DECs nor DEC members engage in any activity which requires lobbying registration.  You can find out more about the DEC by clicking here.
