Successful Export Pricing Strategies
Date Recorded: Tuesday, October 6, 2020
Have you been thinking about growing your business through exports or are you already exporting and wanting to add new markets? Setting the price of your product(s) should be one of your main considerations. Join us to learn the best practices for developing an export pricing strategy to achieve success. We will discuss how your market objectives help determine the most effective pricing method to use for success.
Presenter: Jacqui Torcellini, Principal, Global Growth Strategies LLC
Trade Finance Overview
Date Recorded: Thursday, October 8, 2020
2020 has been a difficult year. Getting paid, on time for your export sales is more important than ever! In partnership with TD Bank, Export-Import Bank of the United States and the U.S. Small Business Administration Office of International Trade, please join us for an overview on trade finance. Some of the topics to be discussed are as follows: methods of payment, export working capital, and Government-Assisted Foreign Buyer Financing. Who should register? Exporters at all levels, positions, and with limited or extensive experience. Trade Finance is always evolving and staying informed on new products and trends are paramount for the success and preservation of your business.
Presenters: Charles Dugan, Vice President for Global Trade Finance, TD Bank N.A.
Richard Foy, Regional Director, Eastern Region, EXIM
Ed Ekel, Export Finance Manager, SBA International
Joe Schoonmaker, Marketing Director, Risk Protection International, LLC
Export Documentation Basics
Date Recorded: Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Your exports ride on paper, so your docs better be in top shape. Learn what export documents you should have in your shipping collection and how to complete them the right way. Armor up your export docs to help to minimize shipment delays, achieve faster clearances for your customer, and ensure that you are paid on time.
Presenters: Kristen Morneau, LCB, CCS, Mohawk Global
Jim Trubits, Vice President, Business Development, LCHB, CCS, Mohawk Global
Benefiting from Free Trade Agreements
Date Recorded: Wednesday, October, 21, 2020
If my product is made in U.S., doesn’t it automatically qualify for the USMCA/other free trade agreements? This webinar will provide an overview of the various Free Trade Agreements available to exporters and the general rules of origin that would need to be met to qualify your goods under a particular free trade agreement (FTA). Each FTA is designed to offer importer benefits of reduced duties or no duties for products that meet a particular qualifying rule of origin. You must also be able to provide this qualifying information to Customs in the event of an FTA verification.
Presenters: Robert Stein, LCB, CCS, Mohawk Global
Jim Trubits, Vice President, Business Development, LCHB, CCS, Mohawk Global
Date Recorded: Tuesday, October, 27, 2020
Whether you are a Service provider, Importer, or Exporter, INCOTERMS are an important part of your International trade transaction. INCOTERMS determine the time of ownership of the goods and liability against any loss during the movement of International trade. Get an update on the INCOTERMS now in effect and how to best protect your company by the proper use of this extremely important tool, which has never been as important as during these uncertain times in the global economy.
Presenters: Bonnie Kersch, LCB, CCS, BrauMiller Consulting Group
Jim Trubits, Vice President, Business Development, LCHB, CCS, Mohawk Global
Duty Drawback – New Opportunities
Date Recorded: Thursday, October 29, 2020
This webinar is directed toward businesses that operate in the global marketplace and want to improve their bottom line. It will cover a law, going back to 1789, that allows for the recovery of import duties on imported merchandise that is subsequently exported. The process is called duty drawback and U.S. Customs & Border Protection, that administers the law, estimates that over 2 billion dollars a year go unclaimed.
Presenters: Jay Charkow, Vice President, International Tariff Management
Tracy Hudak, Operations Manager, International Tariff Management
Jill LaMadeleine, Senior Tariff Manager, International Tariff Management